Aligning Brand Strategy Effectively with Your Nonprofit’s Content Strategy

Lidia Varesco Design
3 min readJun 3, 2022

Now that we know why aligning branding with content marketing is important, let’s talk about how to do it effectively, using a branding-inspired framework that I’ve developed and used with my nonprofit and assocaition clients.

Using a Branding Framework to Improve Content Marketing

My branding framework is made up of four components: WHO, WHAT, WHY, and WHERE: WHO are the people you serve, WHAT is the problem you solve, WHY is the reason you exist, and WHERE are the ways you express your brand.

You can apply this branding framework to content strategy like this:

  • WHO — The people reading your content
  • WHAT — The problem you solve through content
  • WHY — The reason you are sharing content
  • WHERE — The content channels you use

Now, let’s break down each of these components and look at them individually.

Who is our audience?



Lidia Varesco Design

Empowering organizations and entrepreneurs to make a change through branding and creative marketing | Work-life champion | Founder of @bizmamas #BizMama